1.5 bar

Calvin Krug ckrug at laf.cioe.com
Mon Jun 4 19:39:43 EDT 2001

>Got the wifes wagon on the road and running very nicely.  Took it for a full
>throttle run to run the ecu test and to verify 1.4 bar.... well I saw 1.5
>BAR!!!!  The car is completely stock, I verified the wastegate spring when I
>installed the motor.  I havent checked the ECU yet, but I dont think its
>modified either.  Anyone else seen this on a stock 10v MC-1?
>Car is running fantastic!  Some noise coming from under the car during
>higher speeds, I have to check to make sure the drive shaft isnt hitting the
>exhaust or the exhaust isnt hitting the body someplace.  All in all, this
>was a great 1300$ (800$ for the car, 200$, 300$ in assorted parts) 
>Been a while since I have driven at night with stock 200tq/5tq headlights, I
>forgot how much they SUCK!  Gonna have to find some euros for her as well!
>Anyone still doing any group purchases of Euros for the 5kt or 200t cars? 
>Also, inlaws will be in tomorrow night and we are taking off for about a
>week, so I will be unsubbing tomorrow till i get back on the 13th.
>89 200tqa
>87 5ktq


My '89 200 will consistently hold 1.5 bar, and if I don't back off, 
hit 1.6 for a second or two before the fuel pump cutoff is applied by 
the ECU, but I think one of the lines to the wastegate is partially 
collapsed. I know I need to fix it, but I just hate to get rid of 
boost.  I would check the hoses on your car, too.  It may be the 
cause of the overboost. It's not supposed to go over 1.4 stock.

Calvin Krug

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