Type 44 power window lift cable off pulley

Roa, Greg groa at Cinergy.com
Tue Jun 5 12:02:51 EDT 2001

I am not as familiar with the type 44's, but I think the regulators are
somewhat similar to the 4kq's.   Look at the motor section of the regulator,
where the cable enters on each side.  There should be a spring holding
tension on a plastic piece that the cable sits in (not a very good
description I know).  What I have seen on several of these, is that the
plastic piece will break, allowing two things.
1. The spring will not sit properly, and allow tension to be lost to the
cable, allowing slack.
2. The tube part of the plastic piece that the spring sits on will get
pulled inside the regulator, eventually messing up the cable inside the
regulator by pulling it off track on the winding wheel.

As far as I could tell, the only way to fix this is by swapping out
regulators, or putting in a new plastic holder from a spare regulator.

I'll try and get some pictures of what a 4kq regulator looks like, inside
and out, so that my description will be a bit better.

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90CS
83' 944

>14 years and 270k miles after being built and the drivers side power window
>sticks in the down position.  Oh, the terrible reliability of these old
>Audis, not.  Anyway, late last week when I tried to raise the drivers side
>window on my 87 5kcst it came up a bit and stuck.  It would go back down
>refused to raise more than 1/4 up.  I finally got into it last night,
>expecting broken bits, and found the lift cable was off of the upper
>I suspect the cable came off the pulley when the window was being  lowered
>due to excess slack in the cables.  I haven't attempted a fix, yet.
>wasn't very helpful so I'm coming to the real source of Audi information.
>Is the cable popping off the pulley a sign of other problems or will
>it back on fix the problem for another x number of years?  Can the slack be
>removed by adjustment if that was the root problem?  The window cannot be
>raised by hand at this time and the cables are taut.  How should I proceed
>to get enough slack in the cables to put the upper one back over the
>Or, how do I fix the problem?  I miss my Audi.

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