quickly emerging jiffy lube thread from hell

Mullen, Shaun mullens at phillynews.com
Tue Jun 5 17:48:34 EDT 2001


I did not say, infer or intuit that you had a bad experience.

I shared with you the fact that many -- as in dozens -- of q-listers over
the six or so years that I have been a part of this forum have told bitter
tales of woe involving Jiffy Lube and quickie places like it.  You go in for
a $19.95 oil change and come out with an engine that blows up a mile down
the freeway. (Oops, forgot to put in new oil.  Oops, forgot to properly
tighten the oil filter.  Oops, put on another oil filter because the
appropriate filter was out of stock.  Oops, tore up the underside of the car
because the lift plates were not placed properly under the car.  Oops . . .
You get the idea.)

For all I know, Abraham Lincoln worked at Jiffy Lube before he went to law
school.  I'm not saying that everyone has had or will have a bad experience.
I sincerely hope that you don't.

Shaun Mullen
Yorklyn, DE

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Bhatti, Mohammed [SMTP:Mohammed.Bhatti at 247Media.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, June 05, 2001 4:04 PM
> To:	'Mullen, Shaun'; 'quattro at audifans.com'
> Subject:	RE: Engine Power Flush at Jiffy Lube
> Who said I had a bad experience?  I was soliciting opinions on whether
> such
> a service as described was worth considering.  
> mkb
> 88 80q
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mullen, Shaun [mailto:mullens at phillynews.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 3:45 PM
> To: Bhatti, Mohammed; 'quattro at audifans.com'
> Subject: RE: Engine Power Flush at Jiffy Lube
> If I had a dollar for every tale of woe posted on the q-list over the
> years
> regarding a bad Jiffy Lube experience, I would be able to retire.  Or buy
> an
> S6.  
> Go to a Jiffy Lube, or any other quickie joint where the manager is a
> 19-year-old pimplehead and the hired help is one toke away from falling
> into
> the grease pit, at your own risk.
> End of sermon.
> Shaun Mullen
> Yorklyn, DE
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:	Bhatti, Mohammed [SMTP:Mohammed.Bhatti at 247Media.com]
> > Sent:	Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:04 PM
> > To:	'quattro at audifans.com'
> > Subject:	Engine Power Flush at Jiffy Lube
> > 
> > Anyone come across this at they're local Jiffy Lubes?  They claim that
> > upto
> > a half quart of sludge, contaminated oil etc remain in your engine after
> > an
> > oil change and this stuff mixes in with the new oil they put in.  They
> > offer
> > this service called EnviroLution that power flushes this stuff out and
> is
> > recommended every 12000 miles at a cost of $80.  Claim that it prolongs
> > engine life, fuel economy etc.  Is this a valuable service or just a rip
> > off?
> > 
> > mkb
> > 88 80q

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