90 TQW turbo

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Jun 6 16:52:21 EDT 2001

Check out the ABC's of boost, as well as the boost leak diagnosis on Scott 
Mockry's great Audi technical stuff website:

At 01:11 PM 06/06/2001 -0600, Bill Aplanap wrote:

>The turbo in my 90 Quattro wagon doesn't seem to be working.  When the 
>engine rev's get up to where the turbo should kick in, I get a 'whooshing' 
>noise, like I have a broken hose or something.  Before I spend next 
>weekend poking around underneath the damn thing, does anyone have any 
>BTDT's that could save me a little time (and $$$).

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