T-body adaptation issues with '97 A4 1.8T

josh Wyte josh_wyte at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 6 21:15:36 EDT 2001

Ok, this is driving me nuts!!!  Someone *please* point
me in the right direction with this!

I have a '97 A4 1.8Tq with a K04 turbo, GIAC software,
5 bar fpr.

The problem is the throttle body doesn't read full
throttle.  Ie, I do a throttle body adaptation with
the VAG tool.  It sez the t-body is adapted fine, but
then it only reads idle and part throttle.  Even when
the pedal is floored (yes, I've verified the t-body is
indeed open all the way) it doesn't read full
throttle, only part.

As you could imagine this is causing havoc as far as
drivability, esp at...WOT!  

I've installed a different t-body, several different
ecu's and chips.  Nothing has changed.  With the stock
chip it's the same thing.

I don't know what to do next and I'm getting really
frustrated!  The car is incredbiily fast at part
throttle, then runs like crap when I go to WOT...


Josh Wyte 
Momentum Motorsports
508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST

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