lights, good day

James Russell jbr at
Sat Jun 9 02:10:39 EDT 2001

Hey Listers, 

	I figured out that my sidemarkers, tail lights are out, before the police
did. My guess is that the headlight switch is to blame or the wiring
associated with it, too many bumps.  I checked the fuses, they look good.
I will attack the switch first, anyone know of a suppler that is fast and
cheap?  Any other places I should look if the switch is fine?

	Today was a prime example of why I have an Audi.  Day started off kind of
sour, took a test and wasn't in a good mood.  The weather was great so I
figured I should take a drive.  Being in Bozeman, MT, you have to drive a
ways to get anywhere, so I figured the road to Big Sky is always fun.  That
it was, got some good passings down, took the corners at speed, enjoyed
every minute of it.  Turned around and came back, took a old country road,
poorly maintained, but paved.  The suspension felt great, took some 90
degree turns just right: brake, turn, gas. Got a little squeal from the
tires, isn't the easiest thing to do.  I forgot about all the things are
aren't working quite right in the car and just enjoyed the drive.  If your
Audi is running well, go for a good drive by yourself, get away from
everyone and let your car show you what it can do, you probably all do this
anyway, but for those who don't, you should.

Good Luck Audi Folks

Brad Russell

1984 4ksq 195k 

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