Clutch kits...more...again, please help!

Dave Hord spokes at
Tue Jun 12 19:14:26 EDT 2001

Thanks to those who responded...I've emailed rod at the parts connection, and a 
few others...

Now, what about sport clutches?  I mean...I rally the car, so why not?  In 
fact, probably a better idea.

Does anyone make one for the 1989 90q 10V?  It looks like I'm going to have to 
wait anyways, perhaps I should wait a bit longer and get a performance clutch.


89 90q  282,900km  - Rally conversion slowly in progress

“A car is pretty stupid, it can stay parked for 10 years without crashing, 
going out of control or rolling over, but when a human being gets into 
it..."                     - Pierre Savoy, head instructor BMW Driver Training

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