Matt Daniels mdaniels at
Wed Jun 13 10:54:22 EDT 2001

The northern Utah mountains have gotten an inch or two over the past
24hrs also. I can look out my window here in Salt Lake and see that some
of the houses on the side of the mountains have gotten a dusting. I'm
willing to bet that tonight on the news you'll hear of some idiot that
got hurt trying to ski/board it.

Hope the snow is still around this weekend while I'm reviewing a S8 for
the QClub. :-)


Robert Myers wrote:
> AAMOF, the folks on my other "other list", Sleddog-L, would very much like
> to have snow and lots of it most of the year.
> At 10:02 AM 6/13/01, James Russell wrote:
> >Well it is snowing here in Montana, and we have about 3-4" on the ground in
> >the valley, too bad I have classes all day!  Anyone jealous?
> >
> >Enjoy your day.
> >
> >Brad
> >
> >'84 4ksq 195K
> >
> >
> >
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>   Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
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