Radar Detectors--what do you recommend?

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 13 11:31:40 EDT 2001

  V1 WAS the undisputed leader a year ago.  Not any more. 
Performance wise it still compares to the best Passport and Bell
have to offer but is no longer better than them.  And many think
the features of the newer units are better with less false
alarms.  ANd the new Passport and Bell units can work with Euro
Frequencies.  Lastly the V1 still doesnt have a REAL remote
capability.  You still have to have a box in your windshield. 
The Passport (8500 I Think???)  reatails for about $300 if
memory serves.  But with true remote setup with front and rear
sensors it costs about $800, however, this setup had the best
performance of any radar detector tested including the V1.  
  As a side note,  The old K-40 unit got Ripped apart by them. 
I guess it failed so bad the K-40 guys admitted that they had to
reduce the range on it to reduce false alarms and it still had
more falses than any other unit.  And had horrible range when it
was a real signal.  
  Check out   http://www.radartest.com/
to read for yourself.  Automobile also does testing occasionally
but I cant remember where I read that review.
  That said, I use a Whistler I got at work for $100. 
Discovered it on this website as a best buy.  Works great if
annoying every time it starts up.

--- Efraim <egav at wireless2000.com> wrote:
> Valentine One is undisputed leader, but it's expensive. I have
> Whistler
> 1660, paid US$140 at a closest Wal-Mart south of the border.
> Works very
> well, not too many false alarms. 360 deg coverage, all bands
> including
> laser. Has VG-2 cloaking feature and it talks, too. Keeps me
> entertained on
> the road. I suggest you go to www.epinions.com and find a ton
> of opinions on
> many brands and models. I did and I am not sorry.
> Efraim
> '88 5KCDTQ  330K km (205K mi) , 1.8 Bar
> '90 90 105K km (65K mi)
> Vancouver, Canada

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