quattro digest, Vol 1 #1648 - 16 msgs

ttiholov ttiholov at rodeo.sd27.bc.ca
Wed Jun 13 12:42:24 EDT 2001

on Wed Jun 13 10:42:33 2001 Burl Vibert <blur at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> If you're shifting at 3k you don't need or want a turbo.  A NA car
> will have better torque at low RPM due to the higher compression and a
> turbo car only starts to make power at 3k.

The NA 1988 90 Q has a peak torque over 4000 RPM.

> I've heard many stories from friends about having to take their
> mom/dads/grandfathers cars out for a good run to "clear them out"
> after which they supposedly work better.

Rumor has it that revving is supposed to burn out carbon deposits.

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