A8 diferences in 98 to 99; color choice

Horace K. Sawyer hksawyer at catt.com
Sat Jun 16 16:05:55 EDT 2001

Hello people, I just re-subscribed.
Is anyone familiar with the differences between the 1998 - 1999 A8Q
cars? For that matter, I don't know what the differences are in the 2000's. 
But they (the 2000's) are still up there pricewise, and I really don't want 
to take that much depreciation.
So the time is coming for me to get ready to pick one up in the next two 
weeks and need to decide what year: 98 or 99. Any comments, advice, ideas 
Also, what colors does the list prefer? What would be most popular in your 
estimation when I decide to sell the car? A majority vote might persuade me 
in a particular direction. : )
HK Sawyer

This is a duplicate post to A8 list.

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