A8 diferences in 98 to 99; color choice

AudiBiTurbo at aol.com AudiBiTurbo at aol.com
Sun Jun 17 00:32:46 EDT 2001

Well, having owned both a 1999 and a 2000 A8, I can definitely say the 
interior on the 2000 is much nicer.  More comfortable, more durable, and way 
better instrumentation.  The 2000 was given to us in trade because of the 
problems the 1999 had, and the 2000 kept popping the check engine light.  In 
the past 2 weeks Audi has given us our money back and we ordered a Lexus 
LS430 UL.  Too bad Audi didn't make a dependable A8 for my father.  On a 
brighter note, with the exception of a blown turbo and terrible brakes (just 
like the A8, they warp), my S4 has been pretty good.  =)
I don't know why, but every A8 I see has a LOT of codes popping up on the 
scan tool.  The A4/S4s and A6 bodied cars don't seem to be plauged by such 

Mark Rosenkrantz
AudiBiTurbo at aol.com

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