Mt. Wash. & German Car Lawn Day

cobram at cobram at
Sun Jun 17 23:51:53 EDT 2001

Oh good, I might be able to make it this year.  With all the list banter
about looking for rides etc. "Sunday" I though it was today.  Boston's
close enough to drive up just for the day.  

I went to the Museum of Transportation German Car Day today, under
looming clouds.  About 80 cars entered (with a gorgeous 1957 Mercyless
Benz 300 convertible 2 door taking best of show).  Audi presence was
minimal, I was there with my 1990 V8Q (and blisters from zymoling etc.
for 20 hours), there was also an A4 wagon sans badges, and an S4 sedan
also showed.  LOTS of Porsches, half a dozen Opels an Amphicar whose
route to the show included a few miles via the Charles River.

The car clubs that bothered to organize a presence had their own
categories for awards (Best -Porsche, Opel, VW, Mercedes and BMW) nothing
for Audi's.  BUT, the good news is that I got THIRD PLACE (and a nice
plaque) with the V8Q in the "Special Interest" category.    A very
pleasant and totally unexpected surprise,  since I was a bit down about
Audi not having a Marque award.

As if choreographed, as soon as the last awards were handed out, and
people started driving off the green to leave, the clouds opened up with
a big downpour that lasted the rest of the day.  

Cobram at Juno.Com

C1J1Miller at writes:
> In a message dated 6/16/01 9:25:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> cobram at 
> writes:
> > Any of you in the Boston area and not going to Mt. Washington, 
> tomorrow
> >  is German Car Lawn day at the Auto Museum 
> >  .  I'll probably be there 
> with the
> >  V8Q.  From 10AM to 2PM.
> >  
> Mt. Washington Audi corral is next weekend...
> details here:
> -Chris Miller

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