BMW And AUDI - Both Sides Of The Story

Rave Racer Ravewar at
Thu Jun 21 01:00:43 EDT 2001

        I always wanted a 88 535is.....                        What!  Don't
look at me like that!  I wouldn't give up my AUDI for the world!  I'm just
saying that before I ever wanted my ooooh-di, I wanted a 88 535is.  I think
everyone should have a RWD car that's fast, and I just happen to prefer NOT

(Rant off....   from the last post aswell)

> Yeah, it's the ol' ford vs. chevy thing; Calvin peeing on Toyota logo,
> >
> >For many years I have owned Audis and BMWs.  While I was living in
> >my
> >first car was a 1984 BMW 520i.  When I moved back to the US, I picked up
> >beautiful tornado red 1988 Audi 90 quattro.  I was already a member of
> >BMWCCA and have heard bad things about Audi, but I was in love with this
> >quattro.  BMW fans warned me of electrical problems and of the cars being
> >underpowered.  When I joined the quattro club, I started hearing how Audi
> >was
> >far superior to BMW.  I was getting a little confused (and brainwashed).
> >kept the sedan for a few years and then sold it to buy a 1990 Coupe
> >Quattro.
> >The coupe was a beautiful car and looked brand new.  It had plenty of
> >power,
> >but all of it was at 7000 rpm. Once again, the Audi folks were raving
> >how
> >the coupe was such a great car (and I thought so as well).  The guy that
> >sold
> >me the coupe sold it to buy a M3.  I kept that coupe for a year and sold
> >to
> >buy a BMW 535is.  I have now sold the 535is to buy my M5.
> >So you may ask where I am going with this... I am not sure.  All I know
> >I
> >hear bad things about Audi from BMW folks, bad things about BMWs from
> >folks, and back and forth and back and forth.  90% of the time, people
> >don't
> >have their facts right.  I have heard someone at a BMWCCA meeting say
> >the
> >new 325xi is far superior all wheel drive car compared to an A6 quattro.
> >Sure
> >people have a right to their opinions, but c'mon...  The A6 quattro is a
> >much
> >better machine :)
> >Both BMW and Audi have their faults, but one is not better than the
> >I
> >am just getting tired of hearing it.  Let's all play nice and the next
> >you are driving your BMW and you pass an Audi, wave!  Same goes for you
> >Audi
> >folks!
> >
> >If anyone is interested, Some of the E28 BMW folks are doing a drive down
> >the
> >Delaware this Sunday.  Email me directly if you are interested.
> >
> >Tim Meritzis
> >1988 BMW M5
> >1988 BMW 535i
> >quattro Club USA Member Since 1994
> >BMW CCA Member
> >1984 BMW 520i (Euro)
> >1987 BMW 535is
> >1990 Audi cq 20v

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