AC Troubleshooting continued...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Jun 21 12:35:30 EDT 2001

Regarding the recirculation flap:  The doors share a common hinged brace so 
that when the cabin door is closed, the door into the evaporator box is 
open and vicey-versy.     As long as the spring is intact and the vacuum 
servo works, the doors have to function as designed.

Have you found any oily stuff anywhere around the compressor?  One problem 
is if the refrigeration oil leaks out, you can underlubricate the 
system.  I think I'd let a shop with tester equipment evacuate the system, 
check for leaks and, if no leaks are found, recharge it with gas containing 
the appropriate amount of oil.

At 07:56 PM 06/20/2001 -0700, Motor Sport Visions Photography wrote:

>I dove back in today armed with new patiance, daylight, digital meter,
>and book-o-Bentley in hand. Here's what I found:
>No compressor clutch activation because the low pressure switch is open.
>I suppose that means low or no freon.
>A refresher on the situation, road trip, 2-3 hours in, very warm day
>(85-95 degrees f), loud noise, belt upside down, engine stalled twice.
>New information...In looking closer today I noted that the upper door of
>the recirc flaps is stuck open. (I thought I fixed that but apparently
>only got the lower door working again?) I wonder if the excess inlet air
>warmth to the evaporator contributed to the system melt-down? I
>temporarily bypassed the pressure switch and the compressor does pull in
>and run (allbeit rattlier than ever...not that it was very quiet
>before). But, no cold air, no pressure to close the switch (presumably)
>but I didn't dare run it for long.
>So, now I wonder what to do next. I suppose it is pretty safe to assume
>that the freon blew/leaked out when the episode happened and perhaps the
>compressor failed as well? Before I go before the mercy of some local AC
>shop monkeylads (anyone know of a good AC shop near Santa Cruz CA?), I
>wonder if there is anything further I can do. Do I take it in for a
>system check and recharge and see what happens or????? All help and
>advice will be greatly appreceated. TIA!
>Thank goodness there is a cooling trend forecast but I know I'm going to
>melt driving to Sears Point and back this Friday and Sunday (being a
>coastal dweller I melt above about 80-85 degrees....)
>Mike Veglia
>Motor Sport Visions Photography

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