Stabilant 22

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Jun 21 12:54:45 EDT 2001

What difference wrt the heater core does having the dash top off make?  The 
heater core's in a box beneath the rain diverter at the bottom of the 
windshield, under the hood, I believe.

At 06:40 AM 06/21/2001 -0500, wa b wrote:

>Stabilant 22 can be gotton at Car Quest under their name of SL5.  It is 
>stabilant 22A which is a diluted form (80% alcohol) for about $50 bucks 
>for a 15ml bottle.  They have a website that describes the stuff.
>  I use it, treat it like liquid gold.  If it does half of what they claim 
> it does then it is worth the price.
>  Konstantin, while the dash is off might be a good time to replace your 
> heater core, but that would mean more waiting and more money.
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