new '85 4kq

Roa, Greg groa at
Thu Jun 21 14:43:50 EDT 2001

One thing that you might check,

The 4kq's of that vintage have a metal clip on the heater control valve that
holds the cable.  The cable will then open and close the valve.  Turn the
control completely to cool, and then look at the valve.  There is a small
swing arm that opens and closes the valve.  The swing arm should be resting
against the stop (it will be clear when you look at it).  If it is not
pushed against the stop, your cable could be out of adjustment.  Close the
valve all the way, then pop off the metal clip.  You should be able to move
the cable housing 1/4" or so, and ensure that it will move the valve to its
extents.  When it is in the proper spot, pop the clip back on, and test it
out.  Try that first.  Otherwise, the valve is not very expensive at all.

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

>1. My A/C works, but only the center two vents blow cold air - the two side
>vents blow hot air.  Any ideas what is wrong?
>Bad Heater control valve.

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