q: change clock to 12-hour mode?

Barton Oleksy barto at nait.ab.ca
Thu Jun 21 21:16:42 EDT 2001

Donald Lamond wrote:

> When Canada went metric, I got so tired of saying, " Whats that in miles
> b'y?" that I headed for the States.  If you want to stay home, the mental
> conversion from a 24 hour clock to a 12 hour should be no more of a problem
> than changing a channel on the tube.  Try to keep in mind that there are
> people who function quite well on the 24 hr. clock system.

Unfortunately my WIFE isn't one of them!  ;-)  It's not a HUGE deal, but when
we went from the '86 5kt to the '89 200t, it was a definite annoyance.  The 5kt
let you switch between 12- and 24-hour mode, but we were told that the '89 200t
didn't have that ability.  I was kinda hoping the '91 200tq ADDED that
capability, but it doesn't look like it...

> Where did this 12 hour idea come from?
> Probably from the Maritimes.

<g>  Always a half-hour later in Newfoundland, right?


> Barton Oleksy wrote:
> > This may also be a special case for Canadian-imported cars, but both our
> > '89 200t and the '91 200tq display the time (clock in the instrument
> > panel) in 24-hour format.  Is it possible to change this to 12-hour?  If
> > so, how hard is it?
> >
> > Is it related to the fix I found to change the *other* way (12-hour to
> > 24-hour format)?  Here's the URL for that change:
> >
> > http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/body.html#Changing the clock to
> > 24-hour mode
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Bart
> > '86 CGT
> > '89 200t
> > '91 200tq

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