HELP - Weird Clutch

LRGreger at LRGreger at
Sat Jun 23 21:35:59 EDT 2001

It's the 97A4q, and the brake/clutch resevoir fluid level is fine.  When the 
clutch failures occurred, pumping the pedal had no affect.  There was simply 
no backpressure to the clutch pedal, no matter how many times it was 
depressed, and I had to manually return it to the normal pedal position each 
time.  I could understand the failure, but not the return to normal operation.

Do you have any idea of how much of a problem it is to replace the clutch 
master myself.  I had the clutch and brake master replaced on my 88 90q by an 
independent mechanic about 4 years ago for about $600.  I'd rather not spend 
that much $ now if I can help it.  I was hoping to get away with a seal 
rebuild, if that's the problem.

In a message dated 06/23/2001 9:12:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
knotnook at writes:

> So, Which of the three cars in your list is the subject car?
> Did you check fluid level?  The clutch gets hydraulic fluid from the brake 
> fluid reservoir.  If the level in that reservoir is below the level of the 
> nipple off which the clutch master cylinder is fed, you may run low on 
> fluid. It sounds like you have a clutch MC or slave cylinder problem.

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