Qlist sticker

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Jun 24 09:10:58 EDT 2001

The object of Bob's stickers was to provide a subtle source of recognition 
among Q-Listers and a potential starting-point for recruiting new 
members.  It wasn't particularly aimed at being a gaudy attention grabber 
or means of dressing up Audis.  Many of us are uninterested in making 
statements about our vehicles other than the ones provided by the four 
rings.  Anyway, if you begin diluting the user field of sticker applicants 
by offering a variety, you defeat the recognition end of the goal 
totally.  The other round I referred to was another round of 
stickers.  There's absolutely no concern here about anyone's status wrt the 
Audifans lists.  The beauty of this netherworld community is that its 
members are here to talk and learn about our cars and help others do the 
same,  without getting into the value of any one individual's contributions 
except to explore the possibilities raised.  It's not a personal matter to 
me whether you create another sticker.  I'm simply offering an observation, 
not a criticism.

At 07:53 PM 06/23/2001 -0700, ODIE wrote:

>I do like bob's sticker
>new round of what,do you think that all the newbees are going to take over
>thats not my intentions at all just want to put a new fresh design out so
>list members have a veriaty to display on there car and promote the q-list
>and to be proud to be a member.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Lee M. Levitt <lee at wheelman.com>
>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 10:58 AM
>Subject: RE: Qlist sticker
> > Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com> writes:
> > >
> > > So what about the 800 or so stickers already running around the
> > > world?  Is it your intention, Odie, to start a NEW round?  I don't see
> > > point.  If you don't like Bob's sticker, don't display it.  If I
> > correctly,
> > > Bob's design was sort of generally agreed-upon  from several
> > > options being proposed at the time.  It was my hope that when Bob's
> > runs
> > > out, he'd order more of the same so we could get an even broader
> > representation of
> > > THE sticker as a way to recognize other Quattro List members.
> >
> > Seconded.
> >
> > And I like the fact that my $10 (in the mail now) will go to Dan to help
> > defray the costs of running the list.
> >
> > Lee
> > '95.5 S6 avant
> > '96 A6 quattro avant
> > (both soon to get Qlist stickers!)
> >
> >

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