4kq tranny removal question - more :-)

Duncan Thomson duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz
Mon Jun 25 18:18:26 EDT 2001

I used to be on a Porsche 944 list (before i wrote her off... still
recovering from the loss)
they had a guy that did the same thing with some of his porsche special
tools, there was basically a nominal membership fee and people went onto a
waiting list when they wanted the tool...
the lister would pay shipping both ways, BUT it had to be insured... this
was important as the tool did go walkabout once or twice...
just thought it might be worth mentioning... make sure your tools are
insured with a reputable mail service who will pay up rather than give you
the run around...

being a new zealand lister, i'm sort of out of the loop, but it's a great
tribute to you guys that you would think of doing this..
good on ya...


> Dennis:
> I have just read your offer of a tool to do a clutch job and thought
> that it typified the spirit of the list.
> I am in the process of ordering tools which will enable one to renew the
> valve seals without removing the head from the engine and would like to
> offer them as you have done.
> Let me know how how you make out.
> Regards,
> Donald
> 84  4Ks
> DGraber460 at aol.com wrote:
> > This won't help you finish today unless there is a Harbor Freight
> > Tools store
> > near you, but what we had to use was a "pilot beating removal tool."
> > I got it at HFT for $16 and it worked like a charm. It's a 3 jaw
> > device that
> > looks very much like a steering wheel puller, but designed
> > specifically for
> > this task.
> > If you have time, I could send it to you. There is no point in
> > everyone
> > owning one of these. In fact, I offer it for use to anyone on the list
> > doing
> > a clutch job, as long as they pay shipping (and promise to return it
> > in good
> > shape of course).
> > Let me know.
> >
> > Dennis

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