'87 4kcsq starter question and head gasket question

Tom B dr_hydro at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 25 14:05:48 EDT 2001

Hi Peter, Clint, and all,
Thanks for the info on the starter, I thought it would fit but it is always 
nice to be sure before starting to rip engine parts off of a running donor 
car. Also thanks to Clint for the hint that o2 sensors should be replaced 
when a head gasket fails as antifreeze kills them.

As to the white smoke, hopefully it will just be moisture in the exhaust 
system from when the head gasket blew. I did the head gasket "by the book", 
had the head shaved, replaced stretch bolts, etc.

While I had the head off I replaced t.b, w.p., new hoses, thermostat, belts, 
etc. Pretty much everything in the cooling system but the radiator and 
coolant sensor switch was replaced. Take a guess what is not working ;-) Oh 
well, at least the sensor switch is easy to get to.

The car had been severly overheated by P.O., which is why she no longer owns 
it and I do :-) She had a crack in the overflow tank and a busted hood 
release cable, and was driving the car in the middle of a Vermont winter 
storm, you can write the story from there. She ALMOST made it home......

So, off to grab a (free) syncro starter, replace the coolant sensor, get 
Beastie started again and see what happens after I take her for a nice 
mellow drive. Hopefully she will decide to give up her smoking habit, as it 
is bad for her health and my wallet ;-)

My thanks to all who have helped me see this project through to completion.

Tom Belrose

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