80t Autopsy
JShadzi at aol.com
JShadzi at aol.com
Mon Jun 25 23:21:28 EDT 2001
Yes, that is a factor, that is why I have a 200amp fuse coming from the battery in the rear of the car, so anything like that would trip the fuse, some of you should consider it too.
In a message dated Mon, 25 Jun 2001 8:36:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Marc Swanson <marcswanson at mediaone.net> writes:
<< > Well now I know what happened. When I was talking to my sister she
> triggered my brain, which has been offline since the "incident." While I
> was driving behind Dan right after we left I smelled a slight plastic
> burning smell, probably around Gorham, NH I noticed it. It was very faint,
> I closed the windows and turned the fan on to see if it was coming from my
> car. I didn't get any smell anymore, but when I put the windows down I
> smelled it again, for about an hour on and off, but it was so faint. I
> thought it was brake stink, everyone knows that smell when you bed new
> pads, that smell but definitely not as pungent.
Alex, don't discount your starter wire either... On my 4ktq when I was
poking around the engine bay before MW I noticed that my starter wire had
BURNED through the insulation AND the fire sleeving I had on it because it
was too close to my downpipe. After some more carefull routing and new heat
shielding I had no problems... Just a possibility. Thick wire routed
directly to the battery suddenly grounded out could easily cause a fire.
Anyhow I wish you a speedy journey into new wheels!
87 4ktq
88 90q
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