(no subject)

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Thu Jun 28 02:34:48 EDT 2001


> Good afternoon Audi friends.

Good evening to you too!

> I have a 1986 4K-CSQ with almost 200K miles on it.
> Recently the Odometer and the trip meter stopped
> working but the speedometer is still working.  Does
> anyone in Audi land have any idea what is going on??

There are some worm gears that drive the odometer inside the
speedometer. These gears are made of plastic and will, in some cases,
finally wear out. It sounds like yours did. The fixes are different.
Some people choose to live with it, some replace the entire speedo
housing (get from junkyard) and some replace the gears with those from a
good speedo (yet again, get from junkyard). The latter will keep your
odo reading. I doubt new gears are available from the dealer.

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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