HELP! Anybody who knows how gauges work!

Donald Lamond dlam119 at
Thu Jun 28 01:17:30 EDT 2001

The post before this had me laughing, but this one, blaming it on the poor
cat, it's time for me to bid everyone a goodnight!

I only hope I can make it to the bedroom before calling for the oxygen


Konstantin Bogach wrote:

> I am about to become really superstitious. But I have some hope for
> scientific expanation. Here the problem:
> I disassembled instrument cluster(IC), cleaned all contacts, used deoxIT
> and ProGold. Put back main board and because it was 2am I left it for
> next day. Everything was fine.  Today  when I wanted to finish it I
> noticed that needle on coolant temp gauge is stuck below 0 like frozen.
> Speed's needle hanging at 6 o'clock and can move to 5000 rpm where it
> reaches some stopper. Yesterday I had similar (like with speedo)
> situation with tahometer. I took the needle off , reinstalled it and
> everything settled in right place. By the way, I could not take it off
> for some time and then it went off very easily. I am still puzzled. I
> tried to take the needle  off the speedo but could not. Is any secret
> there?
> I was very careful working on IC. It's idiotic situation.
> Please, let me know if you have an idea what is going on.  I tend to
> think that it is my cat who played with needles at nitght :-).
> Konstantin Bogach.

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