an argument

alan pritchard alanthecelt at
Sat Jun 30 03:46:46 EDT 2001

when i was playing with my exhaust last week i went in for a couple of
quotes to have the middle box replaced, even though i knew id do it myself.
The first place i went into asked "and what's the car sir", to which i
replied, "an '84 audi coupe gt, 2144cc engine", to which he replied, "is
that an 80 coupe?"
"No its just a coupe"
"it has to be either a 100 coupe or an 80 coupe"
"its not, its just a coupe, whats the difference?"knowing in my mind that
thats 3 different cars
"i dunno, if you put them side to side i couldnt tell you the difference"
in the end he had his mind set that it was an 80 coupe, which it is probably
closer to, and have heard it called that before, so what the hell is a 100
coupe??? it was in his book, completely did my head in. i mean pre-80's the
coupe was a 80 coupe, but he wouldnt have it.

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