4000 fixup (misc ramblings)

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Fri Jun 29 23:35:25 EDT 2001

I have been working on fixing up my 4000 this past couple of weeks...
all the little cosmetic/B-list items that I had been putting off for a
while.  Now it's just about all done and I am happy.  A summary:

- New inside rear view mirror (old one was de-silvering)
- New sun visor clips (old one was cracked)
- New front door lock strike posts (nylon bushings were worn)
- New inner door seal weatherstrip (old ones were torn in a few places)
- New coolant reservoir (old one had become yellow and opaque)
- New front grill (old one had become brittle and was cracking), new
  grill clips, New Audi rings emblem (old one broke when I tried to remove
  it from the old grill).
- New engine oil dipstick guide funnel (old one was broken)
- New engine oil dipstick (old one was ratty looking)

I am actually amazed that all these parts are still available from the
dealer for my old 1980 car.  I figured that I should replace them now
before they become unobtanium...  Quick too.  I got all the parts I ordered
in two days.

Audi parts prices really don't make sense.  What I expected to be
expensive turned out to be cheap, and vice versa.  For example, the
rear view mirror was only $16 or so, but the rubber door seal was some
$113 a piece!  Geez.

Having the family album really helps.  I do my homework and write down a
list of part numbers and hand it to the dealer parts guy.  Saves him a bunch
of time.

Lastly, I installed a Hella dual air horn to replace my old non-functional
electric horn.  This involved wiring up an additional relay and fuse to the
battery, and mounting the compressor.

Good for another 250K miles! :-)

What's left to do:
- Re-do the under-dash ground cluster a bit to improve conductivity
- Fix the non-functional A/C and convert to R-134A
- A custom trunk inside liner to give it a carpeted look

Just thought I'd ramble a bit.

01 S4 2.7 biturbo quattro
84 5000S 2.1 turbo
80 4000 2.0
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti at amb.org
 //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/

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