emergency fusable link replacements?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Jun 30 17:05:06 EDT 2001

I think it's an 80 amp fuse, Brett.  I think you could substitute any 80 
amp fuse configuration you could wire up to the two connectors.   I get no 
power to the fusible link with a test light on mine when the key is off.

At 02:54 PM 06/30/2001 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:

>So, I'm moving this weekend and the fusable link blows.
>I'm staring at the parts counter guy, who's staring back, and says
>"fusable links are over there"
>Well, they've got nothing but fusable WIRE links, no metal 50-amp fuses or
>whatever the hell these bloody fans take.
>Anyway, I've got a "14 gauge for 12 gauge wire" link sitting here, marked
>as being for 1977 GM's and up.
>Is this about the right rating?  I figure, there are three posibilities:
>-put it in, fan comes on to #2 speed, nice fireworks display as wire link
>goes Poof
>-fusable link is right size.  car works fine until I get official part a
>few days from now
>-fusable link is too big, fan decides to chew itself, -car- goes Poof
>I've got about 2-3 hours to fix it, and the car is the only place with A/C
>that I have, and -I- am about to go "Poof"...anyone checking mail, who
>knows about wire gauges and other electricals?  I don't care if it's
>"inelegant", I just need something about right.
>Oh...and if the fan's off, are the connections on the fusable link live?
>I seem to remember the link is on the negative side, but I can't remember
>if I can safely  work on it without disconnecting the battery, but I want
>to make sure(a brake line is almost in the way of a screwdriver, that
>could cause some fireworks.)
>PS:interesting.  Just sprayed some water in that area of the engine to
>cool it down enough to work; some water hit the fusable link, which
>started fizzing furiously.  Fan is now running(after run circuit.)
>That'll last one bump in the road, but...how wild.  Self-repairing, just
>add water...

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