bolt torque spec

Tex Terry, II texactii at
Thu Mar 1 09:56:28 EST 2001

Keith - in answer to your message below, the following is from my spec
book: (first column is bolt diameter in inches, second column is torque
lb-ft, third column is torque n-m)

1/4        9        12
5/16      18       24
3/8        32       43
7/16      50       68
1/2        75       102
9/16      110      149
5/8        150      203
3/4        265      359
7/8        420      569
1           640      868

Hope this helps.  I do not know what size the water pump bolts are, so I
included multiple sizes.  Tex  83 Audi 5000 Turbo auto (non-quattro).

> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 23:23:22 -0800 (PST)
> From: Keith Lawyer <wbr90 at>
> Subject: water pump bolt torque spec?
> To: quattro at
> I've gotta replace the water pump in my '81 4k
> tomorrow, 1.7l engine.  Anyone know of the appropriate
> torque spec upon replacement?  Even a ballpark?
>   Also anyone parting an '81ish 4k?
> Thanx,
> Keith L.
> '81 4k/'86 4kq/'86 5ktq/'89 200tqa

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