Subframe bushing mounts, now what?

cobram at cobram at
Thu Mar 1 22:40:49 EST 2001


Looking for some BTDT.  Skip to bottom for the "meat" of the post if you
want.  Previous Pento$in leaks had eaten away at the rubber, and the EASY
replacement of the front subframe bushings on the 1984 5KS has been
anything but.  First I get two bushings about 4 months ago....and store
them so well I can't find them.  Ordered another set, formerly great
parts guy at the local wholesaler sends two transmission mounts after 5
days...then, after I fax him the ETKA picture and Audi part number (which
happens to be the same part number for after market) three days later he
sends strut mount bushings...arggh.   Call Worldpac and they send one
bushing instead of two...fine, I'll install it on the passenger side,
since there is no bushing left, eaten away. (I had adapted the strut
bushing as a temp measure with a dremel tool.)  

Some silicone and an exhaust holder and the new bushing slides right
in...nice.  Put the bolt in, lines right up with the nut in the frame.  
HAND tighten with ratcheting box end,  can hear the nut in frame clacking
back and forth.  Get bolt head up to big washer and F(*&, it just spins
and doesn't tighten.  Take the bolt out.....and the threads of the new
bolt now contain the wedges from the frame nut.  There is a small hole in
the front of the frame, where you can almost get your finger in, can't
even feel the nut.   

NOW WHAT?  From what I can see, I'm going to have to cut a hole in the
frame to get to the nut and replace it.  I'm thinking of tapping it one
size larger, but would have to remove the subframe, and the way the nut
in the frame moves up and down I don't think I'll be able to do it.

FWIW:  The nut probably got damaged because I drove the car for so long
with a bad (almost gone) subframe bushing.  The constant whacking the
bolt was taking from the subframe was probably responsible for the

Any suggestions welcome,  especially ones that don't involve cutting into
the frame.  There are no access holes that I could see.   
Cobram at Juno.Com

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