Crazy Idea- thoughts?

Aleksander Mierzwa alexaudi at
Fri Mar 2 09:43:55 EST 2001

At 01:42 01-03-02 -0500, Ameer Antar wrote:

>btw, chrome affects the brittleness in materials. It makes things harder, 
>but more brittle, and heavier. I'm not sure how chrome plating would be 
>done, but I don't think it would affect the brakes seizing unless you 
>plated the internal passages. 

When I had my rack rebuilt, the tech said they would check the sleeve for
wear and if it's out of spec, they would need to get it chrome plated.
Fortunately, the seal kit and boot was all that was needed. Just my PLN 0.02

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 5KT

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