Hurrah, fixed an intermittent ABS light! ..was.. Strange happenings - ABS

mike mcclurg rrrrraudi at
Fri Mar 2 08:58:00 EST 2001

--- Robert Myers <robert at> wrote:
> For some time now the "Antilock Off" indicator light
> has been flashing on 
> sometimes.  

This seems to be a popular, timely topic, so I’ll give
you my BTDT. The catch is – I’ll tell you what I
did....and I hope there is someone out there who can
tell me and the rest of us why it worked.

First thing is don’t let your car (’89 100q) know that
you are trying to fix an intermittent ABS light. A few
weeks ago mine had started to come on very
sporadically for a few seconds at what seemed pretty
random times. Next, I noticed that sometimes there was
a relationship with turning on various electrical
loads, e.g. turn signals, sun roof, etc. So I was
starting to think it may be related to a bad circuit
or ground. More recently, it was just on most of the
time with it going off briefly and randomly.

However, as I said, don’t let your car know you are
going to try to fix it. Instead, announce in a loud
voice that you are going to chase down the reason that
the cruise control doesn’t work. Use your MityVac to
identify a vacuum leak in the portion of the system
under the dash. Clear as much as you can out of the
way to get access to the clutch and brake switch/valve
assemblies (this may be the key, since I had to loosen
the mounting for the relay panel under the dash, which
includes the ABS relay). Put it back together and take
it apart at least two times, with road tests in
between (to check whether the cruise control would

That done, I still had not fixed the cruise control,
but the next day I noticed that the ABS light was out
and I haven’t had the light in a week. I know the ABS
works because we had some ice and I tested the

Maybe this weekend I’ll try to fix the cruise control
some more and end up fixing something else this time.

’89 100q
’85 4kq

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