90cq to 20v turbo???

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Sun Mar 4 23:43:45 EST 2001

> ok, well, back to the main question, what is needed to make a 90 coupe
> quattro's 20v engine into a turbo'd 20v?(preferably 3Bish)

Quite a bit..
First off if you really want to keep your coupe block you will at least have
to drill and tap for the oil return line on the block.  You are lucky here
because the casting is the same so you can just drill it out and use a stock
oil return line to hook it up.
You'll need all the 3b related turbo parts (intake/exhaust manifold turbo,
freeze plug for the coolant supply to the turbo
Oil supply and return lines
maybe some sodium exhaust valves if it isn't stock.. can't remember
some means of lowering compression.. I think the 20v NA engine is near 10:1
which is too high for a turbo engine

I'm forgetting a lot.  This isn't an easy project.  Not impossible though.



/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Marc Swanson                          +
+                                      +
+http://marcswanson.ne.mediaone.net    +
+                                      +
+87 4kcstq                             +
+88 90q                                +
+85 4ksq                               +
+87 5ktq   donor (Parting out)         +
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

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