Turn Off HTML Encoding In Messages

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Mon Mar 5 22:12:48 EST 2001

Al suggests methods for turning off HTML.  Eudora Pro also allows turning 
off HTML formatting.  Click on Tools and then Options.  Then high light 
Styled Text and select Send plain text only.  This will turn off HTML.

You can also turn off MIME encoding for attachments.  Again, Tools - 
options, attachments.  Check Put text attachments in the body of 
message.  This will effectively turn off mime encoding.  Unfortunately, the 
header generated to go with your message does not reflect this choice even 
though there is no MIME in the message.  This prevents me from sending mail 
to Phil who has a filter set up to reject MIME mail.

At 07:56 PM 3/5/01 -0700, Al Powell wrote:

>I note that many posts are sent to the group in HTML format, which
>causes a ton of extra garbage (a complete copy of the message with
>HTML codes) to appear with the post.  In the hopes that some of my
>list-friends will be encouraged to TURN THE HTML OFF, I offer this
>post, which was sent to a friend recently.  It is intended to help
>find the commands in email programs which will turn off the HTML
>I should note that sending HTML-encoded emails to friends is often
>not such a big deal, but sending anything but plain text to a
>listserv (like the A-list) is a breach of etiquette.  It does not
>make one popular.
>Here's an attempt at giving some guidance to those who don't know how
>to set their email program to send messages in plain text......
>The encoding command is usually under "Tools" and "Options" (in MS
>Outlook or Outlook Express).  After you get Options, open, look under
>the tabs with names like "Internet Email" or "Sending" or such.
>  Hopefully it will turn up.  There are variations depending on the
>version of the program you use.
>If you're using Pegasus Mail or Netscape, the command is probably
>under "Edit" and "Preferences"...then look under "Mail & Newsgroups"
>and "Formatting" (those are specific to Netscape version 4.7).
>  Select "Use plain text editor..." and your problems are solved.
>One of these two paths is common to most email programs.  Some use
>the Tools/Options approach and some use the Edit/Preferences
>approach.  From there in, there are differences in labeling depending
>on the program and the version.
>Another possibility is to use the Help/Contents/Index menu in your
>email program and look for such terms as "plain text".  That might
>get you to the right place.  The goal is to disable HTML encoding and
>send emails in plain text.  While this is not such a problem sending
>emails to individuals, sending HTML to listservs is a no-no.
>Good luck.
>Al Powell
>Fort Collins, CO
>powellae at home.com
>cougfan1 at gocougs.wsu.edu

  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244
  http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm  MediaRing Talk 304-574-1166

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