Turn Off HTML Encoding In Messages
Robert Myers
robert at s-cars.org
Tue Mar 6 09:18:07 EST 2001
I expanded your post headers and copied them and your message
below. Notice that directly above the subject line appears that same MIME
1.0 statement that appears to be causing the entire trouble for Phil.
It looks like us birds of a feather are flocking together.
At 08:10 AM 3/6/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Could you identify those users either privately or here on the list? I had
>no idea i was posting in MIME/HTML until a few weeks ago when you talked
>about who you had blocked because they were not posting in text. I then
>changed my format. I think a good deal of the people that are doing it are
>doing it without knowing they are. Its a simple change depending on the
>email program they are using and I'm sure everyone would like everyone to
>get messages from each other.
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To: "'quk at isham-research.freeserve.co.uk'"
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Subject: RE: Turn Off HTML Encoding In Messages
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Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 08:10:32 -0500
Could you identify those users either privately or here on the list? I had
no idea i was posting in MIME/HTML until a few weeks ago when you talked
about who you had blocked because they were not posting in text. I then
changed my format. I think a good deal of the people that are doing it are
doing it without knowing they are. Its a simple change depending on the
email program they are using and I'm sure everyone would like everyone to
get messages from each other.
-----Original Message-----
From: isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
[mailto:isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 7:00 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Turn Off HTML Encoding In Messages
> I should note that sending HTML-encoded emails to friends is often
> not such a big deal, but sending anything but plain text to a
> listserv (like the A-list) is a breach of etiquette. It does not
> make one popular.
It's worth noting that HTML, MIME, etc., are explicitly banned from
Dan's lists. Around thirty people, however, regularly ignore Dan's
request - including some regulars who I would normally expect to
behave better.
Dan is a low-enforcement 'police yourselves' kind of guy who seems to
prefer keeping a low profile on these matters, making it all the more
embarrassing when he finally is roused to comment.
Mixed text/HTML posts are not only against the wishes of our host,
they're anti-social, potentially dangerous, and deleted on arrival
here. So if anyone's waiting for an answer from me - check your
email settings.
Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
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