20V turbo into 1991 CQ

urquattro urquattro at telocity.com
Tue Mar 6 08:45:02 EST 2001

> Finding a type 44 in a junkyard is very hard, the ones that you can
> find is either totalled in a crash so bad that almost not a single
> item survived, or already slaughtered by someone else. In addition,
> most of them are the base model with 4-cylinder 90 hp engine and
> 4-speed manual..

... same for us here in the USA ... T44s in the USA are so rare that I would
never even suggest that folks in Europe waste their time scouring used parts
yards here for spares ... remember the sales were way down due to the UI
scare ... (wouldn't want the demand to go up too much you know ... ;-)

I find it interesting to read this given the fact that we seem to be awash
in T44s here according to the laments of the european bretheren ... yet you
have things like 4.2 liter 6-speed V8Q's selling for a song!  Seems to me
someone could make a living shuttling 5kQs from the US over to Europe and
returning with the V8s and selling them here!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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