[V8] Questions about Hydraulic Pump
cobram at juno.com
cobram at juno.com
Wed Mar 7 19:44:02 EST 2001
There's an oring under that plug that needs to be changed. I have never
had luck finding the correct size "off the shelf", but the Orings come
with the pump rebuild kit. However, a new plug with Oring is available
from the dealer and Audi parts vendors. The ZF part number for the
"Schraubensatz" (screw set) is 8601633109, and was about $2.00 from the
ZF distributor many moons ago. The Audi part number is (was?) 026 145
541 and were around $8.00 each from the Audi dealer, I opted for the ZF
distributor. Check first though, part #'s may have changed, or the
Orings might be readily available now...it's been a while.
You may need a new plug though, because depending on how accessable it is
or how tight, you might have to tap it out along the slot lip with a
point or chisel. Those big slotted 3/8 adapters (looks like a big
slotted screwdriver head on a socket) they sell at Sear work OK if the
bolt isn't too tight.
Cobram at Juno.Com
On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 19:16:15 EST BustnJustn at aol.com writes:
> Hi All,
> I have chased down a leak that is draining my Pentosin at the rate
> of about 1
> liter per 10 miles. It is on the Hydraulic pump itself right below
> the
> hydraulic hose that runs to the bomb. The leak is coming from a
> round plug
> with a large cross in the middle (like a super jumbo phillips head
> only
> flat). Is it actually a plug of some kind? Is it possible to screw
> it down
> tighter, and if so where might I find a tool that would fit such a
> funny
> looking head?
> Any help or insight would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Justin Bowers
> 90 V8q (His) Pentosin Leaking Machine
> 90 V8q (Hers)
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