Questions about Hydraulic Pump

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Mar 8 07:12:08 EST 2001

At 08:55 PM 03/07/2001 -0500, Ryan Gemmill wrote:

>BTDT with my 200. Those plugs have beneath them an o-ring. What's called a
>re-seal kit is available from Blau ( or from Rod at
>The Parts Connection ( for a decent price (I
>don't remember the number but it was fairly cheap). The plugs are removable,
>but they are very tight. In the end I had my mechanic re-seal all the plugs
>so it wouldn't happen agian. I forget which tools he used to unscrew the
>plugs but it worked. I believe there's a better description of the tool in
>the archives somewhere; if I can find it on my computer I'll forward it to

Tool described in Bentley is a drag link socket (like a large screwdriver 
head on a 1/2" socket drive) that fits on a 1/2" drive hand impact 
driver.  I couldn't coordinate holding hand impact and swinging a hammer 
accurately, so I used an air impact with the drag link socket on it.   The 
latter has to be trimmed slightly on each end of the blade to fit into the 
caps on the pump.  I've had several mechanics tell me this process doesn't 
seal up the pump for long, but I redid a 5Ktq pump a couple years ago and 
it's not leaked.

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