Keeping the recond straight (with MAC!)

BrutKobain at BrutKobain at
Thu Mar 8 09:41:57 EST 2001

For once I'm going to chime in on this, and I WILL have Audi Content.

Yes this list is about Audis their issues and their values.
but in my humble opinion this list is more than just that. I have made 
friends thru this list who truly can be considered as such. Additionally, 
many listers are quick to chime in with a quick word to help you keep your 
faith in Audi when the gods are smacking you around.

I submit that this list is essentially about Audis and all related issues. I 
do not see many people complaining about the announcement of a new child to a 
lister, nor the unfortunate passing of one.  I believe we are a community 
with share interests, and as a result we sometimes have to put up with 
another lister's NAC post, because I'm sure we've all been guilty of that 

I'm sorry for the rant there, but I love this list, and hate to see petty 
I've donated to the list (with the I get 5 more HP!) and I'm 
perfectly willing to do as much as I can to help the list in any way possible.

on to my MAC, I'm picking up my new to me 89 200tq this sat and I'm looking 
foreward to it. I've just purchased an Intended Acceleration stage 1 chip and 
I'm wondering If I could get any lister's opinions on it?


85 5kt 5spd RIP @ 78,380
86 4kcsq RIP @ 136k
89 200tq 110k

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