
Fred Munro munrof at
Thu Mar 8 20:33:59 EST 2001

Check the wires inside the rubber flex boots between the car doors and the
car body. The insulation on these wires breaks over time and the wires can
short out. Also check the wires running through the trunk lid hinge - they
also break and short.
An inside light bulb will pull 5 amps or so - maybe an interior light is
staying on.


Fred Munro
'94 S4  126k km

----- Original Message -----
From: "mark schofield" <200quattro at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Click,..Cl;ick...**%%%#!!

> George B. writes:
> > Quattro, turned the key and got the infamous click..
> > Put in a very long day, got into the ...
>  I am suffering a similar problem on a 1987 200 Quattro and it is again
> intermittent in nature which has be-devilled my finding a solution to
> I've tried putting an ammeter in the circuit and pulling the fuses one at
> time but this yielded no results - yet break and reconnect the circuit and
> something is drawing current. The CD player re-set draws about 1A until it
> has settled when it drops to mA levels but something else somewhere is
> drawing more like 6-7A although the condition only lasts a few seconds. No
> idea what it is, any ideas anyone? (Car has all the toys).
> It has been put to me that there exist alternator failure modes which can
> cause battery drain even when the ignition is off - anyone any experience
> this?
> Thanks
> Mark

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