grill clips and quattro pics

Tue Mar 13 02:00:42 EST 2001

Hello all--

well it's time for my useless monthly post. : )

I am looking for some grill clips for my 87 4kq, anyone got 1 or 3 lying 
around? The reason I say 1 or 3 is cos I don't know if it takes 1 or 3. There 
are 4 points at which the grill _could_ be clipped and I only have one on the 
far right side right now holding the grill to the body and that L-shaped trim 
piece that goes over the headlight. I know I need at least one for the far 
left side, but are there 2 more in the middle? If anyone can help me find the 
one or three I need, it would be very much appreciated.

Also, I finally took a picture of my recently acquired 4kq in the raging 
blizzard we on the East Coast just got. It really is an interesting picture, 
the quattro logo gleams in the picture, here is <A 
link</A> to check it out. Or you can go to

for your viewing pleasure. 

It really is an amazing picture IMHO.

Well I'm off to lurk mode for another month, after giving a huge thanks to 
the everyone on this list that makes it so great and informative. I would 
truly be less educated about our beloved Audis without the help of many on 
this list. Thanks !  :^)


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