question on CGT clutch master and slave cylinder

Dry Ridge Design dryridgedesign at
Wed Mar 14 13:39:42 EST 2001

I am by no means an expert and was consulting the list only a few days ago
on my slave replacement on my 4Ksq,

That said, you should be able to determine whether the prob is the slave or
the master by looking for leakage.  When my slave went, so did the brake
fluid...dripping off the trans and onto the ground.  Since you didn't
mention leakage, if there is none, then it could very likely be the master
as the failure would not cause leakage, just a nonfunctioning of the
internal seals.  

And yes, it was an unholy %#&#% to replace the slave.  The roll pin that
holds it on tapped out easily, the hydralic line broke loose easily, but the
slave didn't want to part with the trans housing for anything.  Very hard to
get it off.  Of course, depending on your car's exposure to the elements,
yours may be easier to remove.  Finally got it off in the rain on Monday.

Chances are too that I will be going through the replacement of the Master
soon as well because of the increased pressure of the new slave.

BTW, Did your pedal all of a sudden go to the floor or was it behaving
strangely prior to loosing all the pressure.  I ask because on any hydraulic
setup I've had, when the slave went bad, the pedal also acted strangely
before it actually went totally.  ie: having to depress the pedal farther
and farther to get a smooth shift and feeling like it is caught on a
floormat or something about half way through its "ascent" back up from the
floor.  These symptoms have always pointed to the slave for me in the past,
and an instataneous random failure has always been the master.

Hope it helps.

Stefan Weir
85 4Ksq
82 Diesel Vdub Westy

on 3/14/01 11:00 AM, ed armstrong at edshred2000 at wrote:

> Hi quattro gang:
> A question for all you CGT owners and others.
> My Coupe has the proverbial clutch pedal "stuck to the
> floor" syndrom after a shift. Either the clutch master
> or slave cylinder is shot.
> Anyway to isolate which of these components is bad??
> The master cylinder looks easy but the slave cylinder
> looks like a real PITA. Also parts are expensive !!
> Thanks for any BTDT replies.
> - ed

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