Custom downpipe for 5ktq???

Kaklikian, Gary Gary.Kaklikian at
Wed Mar 14 19:17:36 EST 2001

Last year, I got a Scorpion UrQ downpipe from Proven Products in the UK
(01822 613200) for 115 pounds (+50 for shipping).  Other than being a
slighly larger diameter than the 5ktq pipe (2.75" vs 2.5"), the main
difference is that it does not have the cast piece for the O2 sensor. Not
only does the weld on this piece fail (as mine had), it is also not optimal
for exhaust gas flow. The Scorpion pipe is larger and smoother from the
turbo flange back. There was a noticeable improvement in spool-up on my MC2
with the Scorpion pipe.  We made a boss for the O2 sensor further down the
pipe, which also expedites replacement of the sensor.
I'm not sure if  Proven Products has any of the Scorpion pipes available,
but they are still listing them in their Audi Driver ad.
btw, another alternative I'm aware of is the 3" high $$$ pipe from 2B.

Gary Kaklikian
86 4ktq
92 S4

> ----------
> From: 	Beatty, Robert[SMTP:BeattyR at]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:54 PM
> To: 	'audi list'
> Subject: 	Custom downpipe for 5ktq???
> Anyone got any info on a BTDT for a larger size downpipe for the 5ktq?  I
> am
> looking at upgrading my exhaust, but some replies have mentioned the
> downpipe will be my major restriction after going to a larger dia exhaust.
> I am considering chopping up a spare downpipe i have for the brackets and
> trying to have a larger size pipe made locally.  Appreciate any info
> anyone
> might have doing this or the possible benifits of doing it.. ie is it
> worth
> it to replace the downpipe with a larger size if the rest of the exhaust
> is
> free flow?
> Rob

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