External Antenna - Mo'...

Al Powell powellae at home.com
Sat Mar 17 12:14:14 EST 2001

Taka's comment is most interesting.  It has been a few years now, but 
I recall that when I dumped the Bozo radio and installed an 
aftermarket (also Sony) replacement, the AM performance *might* have 
been even a bit weaker.  However, it was never good even with the 
Bozo unit.  Any alternative antenna, including a fender-mount unit 
laying on the seat, performed better than the glass types.

Wonder if the factory option radios were slightly optimized for the 
wacky antenna setup??

I still can offer the remedy - Install Hirschmann antenna model 5091 
in left rear fender.  Difference is day and night.  Buy one 
Hirschmann antenna extension with the unit, as the stock antenna 
cable is not long enough to reach forward to the dash.

Al Powell
Fort Collins, CO
powellae at home.com
cougfan1 at gocougs.wsu.edu

On Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:53 AM, TM [SMTP:t44tq at mindspring.com] 
> Al et al.,
> I have this same problem, but with a twist:
> My stock Audi/Bose radio gave great radio reception for AM and FM,
> but when I scrapped the Bose system, I found that I now have
> horrible
> reception- my Sony radio pulls in FM acceptably, but AM is nil. I
> switched between both antennas and the AM reception is still nil.
> I don't care about AM reception except for the fact that locally,
> the
> traffic report comes on an AM station every 10 minutes.
> Any ideas why the AM reception was fine with the stock radio but
> absolutely
> non existent with an aftermarket one?
> Taka

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