maintenance records

Edward Birch edwbirch at
Sat Mar 17 23:44:33 EST 2001

> Subject: Can dealers check each other's maintenance records?
> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 19:57:11 -0500
> I'd like to buy a '99 Quatro A6 Avant.  I'd like to know what happened to
> before I got it so I want to see the maintenance record.  It was purchased
> at a different dealership than I'm buying it from.
> The salesman says that there is no way to get it. <snip>

He's either lazy or FOS!

>I think the maintenance records are accessable by computer.

They are!  On Monday, phone Audi at 1-800-822-AUDI.  Give the VIN # to the
nice customer service representative who will tell you the selling dealer
and will also tell you of any outstanding warranty work.  Contact the
selling dealer service department for more maintanance information.

> I have to decide by Monday.  I like the car, but I don't want a lemon.
> quatro wagon, fully loaded, 49k miles, $26K).

Hmmmm, a little high mileage for that new a car??  Believe me that car will
be there several days after Monday.  E-mail me off list with the VIN# and
I'll run it thru Carfax and E-mail you with results.  I'm paid up with
Carfax thru May.

Ed Birch.....93-100S

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