strange knocking

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at
Sun Mar 18 14:53:47 EST 2001

I read in a magasine recently about a guy with an Audi 90 with a knocking
in the footwell and it was due to a loose CAT heatshield.

Simon Holtby

--- kbogach <kbogach at> wrote: > Hi listers.
> I hear a knocking, like something dangling hit a body in the area
> driver's
> foot well, when I start moving on 1st gear, shifting on 2nd or make
> turns.
> One or two hits when I make turn, one when I shift on 1st or 2nd gear.
> After
> examination I found that transmission left mount is ripped (one leaf of
> 4 is
> ripped). Nothing else suspisious. But I can not imagine that it could
> cause
> that knocking. If tranny moves so much that it hit the metal then I
> would
> expect to see all leaves of the mount ripped. I could not replace it
> today
> cause the nut turned to be rounded. Could it be the cause or not? What
> else
> can cause something like this?
> Engine mount are good.
> ???????????????
> Thank you.
> Konstantin Bogach.
> 200tq '89
> 200tqw '89

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