200 tq Center Drive shaft bearing

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Mar 20 15:29:43 EST 2001

Javad Shadzi   <  JShadzi at aol.com   >   is offering a Delrin center bearing 
holder to replace the squishy rubber stuff, and has suggestions for 
bearings that will fit in it.

At 02:00 PM 03/20/2001 -0500, Peter Dowker wrote:

>Does anyone know of a source for this part where I am not required to
>buy the drive shaft to buy the bearing? I am getting the ugly clank
>clank again, and got royally ho$ed last go round. Any help would be
>great. Thanks in advance.
>Peter Dowker
>1991 200 tq

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