MC-2 Lets loose.. (long, happy)

Allen Swett allens at
Wed Mar 21 08:38:39 EST 2001

As a followup to yesterdays post......

Someone suggested:

>possibly something foreign was ingested into the engine??

Seems you were correct with that statement.  Timing belt intact, didn't
jump, cam key intact, But,...plugs 3-5 electrodes bent over.  Before plugs
pulled, with a remote starter attached sounded just as a no compression
engine would.  Peering down plug holes revealed scratches in the carbon
deposits atop pistons 3-5, not major, but signs of abrasion.  Oil was
clean, filter cut open, no signs of anything foreig, turbo inlet, outlet
vanes all appeared intact, slight oily mist on vanes appeared consistent,
no marks of anything big trying to pass through.  Intake track through
throtle body showed no signs of missing any parts..., compression check
showed consistent in spec readings across the board????., put it back
together, fired it up 5 times, each time pulling a plug going down the
bank,(with heads and body parts out of the way), re-gapped plugs, fired it
up, ran fine.......idled outside the shop for 20 minutes, no problems, test
run, no problems....??...!!

Don't know where it came from, what it was, but it's gone now....will keep
an eye on things, do another compression check over the weekend, drop the
oil, cut another filter, drop the cat and see if any debris is caught on
the screen.....running better than ever?///.....huh?

Thanks for all of your replies, experience and sympathy. 

To the lister who was inquiring about parts already.....sorry, nothing
available......gotta give him credit though......
With guarded relief.
Allen Swett

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