Standard pressure and temperature

Scott Scott at
Wed Mar 21 09:58:33 EST 2001

At 09:26 21-03-01 -0500, "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at> wrote:
 >to the ground.  People can survive at very high altitudes, there is even a
 >documented attempt to climb Mt Everest with NO 02. ( i cant remember if the
 >guy made it)  When going to such high altitudes, you have to acclimatize

I had an opportunity to meet one of the sherpas (this word really just 
means someone that lives above a certain altitude, not a racial designator) 
that was along on that ill-fated Everest trip a few years ago. He 
attributes his survival to the fact that he does not need supplemental O2 
for Everest (he has sumitted multiple times over the years). There are a 
number of people that have done Everest without extra O2.


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