H&R vs. Eibach springs for a 90q

Peter Sperry pbsperry at mn.mediaone.net
Wed Mar 21 22:22:41 EST 2001

You could probably try Blau.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate Stuart" <nathan.stuart at maine.edu>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:16 PM
Subject: H&R vs. Eibach springs for a 90q

> Title explains most of the question. I am in the process of replacing the
> suspension on the '89 90q. Already ordered all the bushings and strut
> (got the UrQ blue ones). I am planning on ordering a set of Bilstein HD's
> for the damping forces. Now I need to decide what springs to get a hold
> I drove Huw's 90q with H&R's and Bilsteins and really liked the ride. What
> are the Eibach pro springs like compared to them, assuming everything else
> in the car is them same? Stiffer, softer, lower?
> And where can I get the H&R's if the Eibach's really aren't what I am
> looking for? Tirerack only lists the Eibachs for sale, and I haven't seen
> the H&R's advertised blatantly anywhere?!
> TIA!
> -Nate

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